You asked for a last hug
I didn’t said no
You asked for a last kiss
I always wanted more
You made me feeble
My legs would go cold
To last forever in your arms
I would give all you wish
I would surrender myself
Arms tight around my waist
You held me close to your heartbeat
That itself was a promise
To never separate
I stood firm on that promise
Even today…
To make it The Last as you say
Fists clenched, toes digging the ground
I hold myself straight
To look into your eyes and say NO
We had our last kiss
We had our last hug
The day you laid your eyes on another
I am not asking you why
I am gonna let you go
Coz, it will free me from your hold
I won’t love you now
It’s not that I never did
It’s just my denial to you.